Das Offizielle Sailor Fanbuch Raws

These galleries and downloads are of “Das Offizielle Sailor Fanbuch” – officially licensed German Sailor Moon fan books that were released between 1999 and 2000 by Diamond Publishing. Originally, the Germans had translated the first five Japanese official Pretty Soldiers Official Fan Books into their own language, however, due to the immense popularity of those items in Germany, Diamond Publishing eventually expanded on the line, creating 22 books in all. 17 of the 22 books are completely original works which you can’t find anywhere else.

Thanks to the help of staff members Messenger Star and P-chan, we have obtained full scans of the entire collection of these books. They are difficult to find and expensive, particularly if you live in North America. We hope to offer English translations for this line of books in the near future; in the meantime, please enjoy these German originals!

We have a bulk download torrent where you can download as much or as little as you please!

Sailor Moon. Das offizielle Fanbuch. Nr.1 Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon. Das offizielle Fanbuch. Nr.2 Sailor Mercury
Sailor Mercury
Sailor Moon. Das offizielle Fanbuch. Nr.3 Sailor Mars
Sailor Mars
Sailor Moon. Das offizielle Fanbuch. Nr.4 Sailor Jupiter
Sailor Jupiter
Sailor Moon. Das offizielle Fanbuch. Nr.5 Sailor Venus
Sailor Venus
Sailor Moon. Das offizielle Fanbuch. Nr.6 Serenity
Sailor Moon. Das offizielle Fanbuch. Nr.7 Tuxedo Mask
Tuxedo Mask
Sailor Moon. Das offizielle Fanbuch. Nr.8 Die Feinde
Die Feinde
Sailor Moon. Das offizielle Fanbuch. Nr.9 Chibiusa
Sailor Moon. Das offizielle Fanbuch. Nr.10 Sailor Pluto
Sailor Pluto
Sailor Moon. Das offizielle Fanbuch. Nr.11 Crystal Tokyo
Crystal Tokio
Sailor Moon. Das offizielle Fanbuch. Nr.12 Haruka and Michiru
Haruka and Michiru
Sailor Moon. Das offizielle Fanbuch. Nr.13 Luna and Artemis
Luna and Artemis
Sailor Moon. Das offizielle Fanbuch. Nr.14 Sailor Saturn
Sailor Saturn
Sailor Moon. Das offizielle Fanbuch. Nr.15 Death Busters
Death Busters
Sailor Moon. Das offizielle Fanbuch. Nr.16 Pegasus
Sailor Moon. Das offizielle Fanbuch. Nr.17 Königin Nehelenia
Königin Nehelenia
Sailor Moon. Das offizielle Fanbuch. Nr.18 Sailor Starlights
Sailor Starlights
Sailor Moon. Das offizielle Fanbuch. Nr.19 Galaxia
Sailor Moon. Das offizielle Fanbuch. Nr.20 Sailor Stars
Sailor Stars
Sailor Moon. Das offizielle Fanbuch. Nr.21 Sailor Princesses
Sailor Princesses
Sailor Moon. Das offizielle Fanbuch. Nr.22 Finale

7 Responses to “Das Offizielle Sailor Fanbuch Raws”

  1. Anitten

    Wow, I’m impressed! Looking forward to the day when these get translated! ♥ Thanks again!!

  2. Lisa

    Thanks for uploading them! I loved these as a kid, and I’m happy to have them again. My native language is German, so if you need any help with translating, I’d be happy to contribute :)

    cheers =^.^=

  3. Ella

    I hope you’ll translate all of these someday. thank you for the raws and for the already translated ones.
    i love your website! <3

  4. Amanda

    I really hope they put these books in English and sell them on amazon I really love sailor moon it was my very first anime

  5. morri

    i am german and i have most of these, but to be honest, the self made ones are riddled with errors and bad spelling xD. and the second half of them more like a girls magazin with horoscope so quite cringeworthy xD

  6. morri

    however the sonderhefte, m bedroom was adorned with all the sailor mercury poster which were biiig, t least a2 (1.m b .5m )

  7. morri

    I also still have the stickerbook wasnt filled all up ;) but about half i would sa, it was the only wa we ever got to see pictures of the theme songs other than the first theme song. only i never knew back then that this is what they were. also quite a few factual mistakes(who knows who checked them) but nice.


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